Friday, August 6, 2010

Hippies Need Money For ... Radio Equipment & Shabbos Food! It's a Mitzvah to give tzdaka (charity) before Shabbos.

Having trouble hearing Steve or Lorelai when we're talking but hearing the music just fine? Reminding you - The 9 Days of Jerry are also a FUNDRAISER for Radio Free Nachlaot.

We need $ for new mics, mixers, cables, fans and other important hardware upgrades since we currently are running the station on bubblegum and toothpicks.

CONTRIBUTIONS can be accepted via PayPal from both this very web page...
...or if you see Lorelai or Steve walking around Jerusalem don't hesitate to open your wallet and give them a few Sheks - you know it's for a good cause - keeping Radio Free Nachlaot alive and upgrading the listener experience with equipment that isn't older than . . . Jerry if he was still with us! :)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Support Radio Free Nachlaot

Radio Free Nachlaot is supported by private donations as well as advertising and sponsorship opportunities for businesses, individuals, organizations, events and causes - each tailored to your own specific needs.

PayPal allows you to donate using a credit card or through your own bank account. To donate with PayPal, use the email address: with which to send your donation.

When donating please indicate if you are designating a dedication on the radio on behalf of your donation, and if so, please indicate in the PayPal transaction the details (140 characters). Example: Donation to sponsor an hour of music in memory of a departed loved one.

  • Recorded Radio Commercials
  • Web Site Presence
  • Ad in Nachlaot Community Directory
  • 1/2 Silver Maneh Tziburi ("Membership Card") and Certification
  • Intersitital / Advertorial Support
  • Social Media - Facebook, Twitter and Twoozer
  • Branded Programming Content
  • Customized Production
For more information please contact Lorelai Kude (054) 817-7935 or Steve Levine (054) 483-8780 or email us at